
aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe

21. Gulaschprogrammiernacht

The GPN21 will take place from 8. to 11. June 2023.

Theme GPN21

"Goulash Programming Night" sounds almost like a cooking contest for and by sleep deprived computer science students. What started out with a few nerds in a basement in Karlsruhe back in 2002, grew into one of the biggest events of the Chaos Computer Club. The topics discussed are as diverse as the visitors themselves: the most traditional and profound ones are hard- and software development and data security. Followed by data privacy, netpolitics and many other fascinating topics such as; How to cook this delicious goulash?, Can we recycle discarded hardware / electronic waste to jewelry? What are the technological insights of a sewing machine? How to pilot a spaceship?

The GPN is hosted by the local Chaos Computer Community; the Entropia e.V. . We expect more than 1,500 visitors in the indoor courtyards of Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) and in lecture rooms of the Center of Arts and Media (ZKM). However, what is truly important to us is that even though most of the schedule is very tech-savy (such as many visitors), this event is not exclusively intended for "digital natives" and nerds. Everyone is most welcome to join, to explore, to engage and to learn.

According to the event's name programming and tinkering is the core of every GPN. The "Hackcenter" is located in the indoor courtyards. There will be plenty of tables with energy and network access to allow everyone to work on projects and to connect with other attendees. As indicated, many people go to GPN already having a project in mind. To be clear right away, people focusing on their private or joint projects does not mean there is no room for questions! On the contrary; Most programmers love to tell you about what they're doing and are happy to tell you all you want to know. Of course, that is if they aren't right in the midst of their programminf trance. Many individuals and groups also enjoy presenting their projects, ready or not, there will be lots of LEDs and tinkered objects hanging, laying and maybe even flying around.

Besides the Hackcenter we care a lot about our schedule (read: Fahrplan). There you'll find awesome and insighful lectures and workshops. You are most likely going to find anything from technology specific lectures that may even require prior experience all the way to entertaining bits of daily conversations. You can also expect there to be (net)political debates taking place, waiting for you to engage. Lightning Talks offer time and space for spontaneous short lectures, tinkering workshops either introduce you to the world of electronics or let you deepen your understanding and give you the opportunity to experiment a little. The Demoscene has also gained an increasing and interested audience in the past few years.

Attending the GPN

The Goulash Programming night is an open and public event. It is free of charge, but we do appreciate a registration (which will be set up in due time) prior to the actual event (it helps with calculating how much goulash ingredients we have to shop, you know ;-) ). Furthermore, by signing up as an attendee you receive the opportunity to reserve merch in all the rights sizes, shapes and amounts for your personal household. We still kindly ask every attendee and visitor for whom it is affordable for a donation to support the event organisation.

Because the GPN as a whole is an event organised by volunteers, we depend on volunteers during the event. We are most grateful to our "Trolls" for making the event a pleasant one for everyone. Note, Trolls at GPN are pretty much the opposite of the trolls you may (hopefully not) know from online debates. Register here as a volunteer (read: Troll)!

Time and Place

8.June - 11. June 2023 | Karlsruhe university of Arts and Design (HfG) | Lorenzstr. 15 | 76135 Karlsruhe



Fahrplan (schedule)

Hygiene and Safety Measures

GPN takes place in the buildings belonging to HfG and ZKM, which are publicly accessible, this means we cannot enforce hygiene and safety measures.

Regardless of this, we recommend everyone that attends wear a mask and test themselves regularly!

More at


If you have any more questions which the FAQ was unable to answer, please contact us on one of the following platforms:


The event is only possible with many helping hands. Become a Troll and help by signing yourself uo in the Troll System: !


overview will appear hear as soon as available


Lodging, phone calls, small and bigger things and frequently asked questions such as their answers.

Live Streams