
aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe
Bei weiteren Fragen kannst du uns per IRC (#gpn im hackint) bzw. Twitter (@entropiagpn) erreichen.


  • Address:
The address of the event (e.g. in case of food orderings) is:
HfG (Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe)
Lorenzstr. 15
76135 Karlsruhe
If you want to order food, it's best to pass the orders on to the information desk at the areaway and give your DECT-number so we can inform you when your food arrives.
  • Building:
The building is a listed former arms factory from the first World War. Please be thorough in interacting. For those who want more information about the building they can have a look at Hallenbau A.

Donations, T-Shirts

The entrance is for free but the GPN has to be financed somehow. Therefore we ask you to give a voluntary donation of...

T-Shirts / Hoodies

The selling of T-Shirts and Hoodies helps to finance the GPN.

Prices / Reservations

Prices have still to be set but they will be about the same as last year:

  • Prices: T-Shirts 15€, Hoodies 30€
  • Reservations: You can reserve T-Shirts and Hoodies at your registration and get them at the info desk on saturday after 12:00 o'clock.
    non-collected T-Shirts and Hoodies can presumably be purchased even without reservation on saturday after 14:30 (as long as stock lasts).


We aim to sell T-shirts and Hoodies only in good qualtity.