
aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe
In case of further questions, you can contact us on IRC (#gpn im hackint) or Twitter (@entropiagpn).


  • Address:
The address of the venue is:
HfG (Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe)
Lorenzstr. 15
76135 Karlsruhe
For food deliveries: add im Lichthof, am Info-Tresen. If possible, also give a DECT contact. See also Anfahrt.
  • Building: The building is a former ammunitions factory dating from the First World War, and a listed monument. Please treat is with care. If you are interested in the history of the building, visit Hallenbau A (in German).

Donations, T-Shirts

Entry to GPN is free. However, the event needs to be financed still. Therefore, we request a voluntary donation.

T-Shirts / Hoodies

Sale of T-Shirts and Hoodies also helps to finance the GPN.

Prices / Reservation

Final prices are still to be decided, but will be approximately the same as last year:

  • Prices: T-Shirts 15€, Hoodies 40€
  • Reservation: You can reserve T-Shirts when you sign up and collect them at the Info desk until 12:00 on Saturday.
    T-Shirts/Hoodies which have not been claimed by then will be sold off without reservation starting 14:30 on Saturday.

Things to bring

  • Bring a DECT phone! There will be a DECT system for communication amongst organisers and Trolls. By signing up a DECT phone, you agree to Troll the GPN. See also GPN20:DECT/en (note that do not use eventphone!).
  • LAN cable (3 – 5 metres): We will provide a switch with gigabit Ethernet ports on every table. Please bring a cable to connect to it.
  • Power strips are traditionally in short supply. Please bring your own.
  • Servers are welcome. We have a very capable internet uplink! Some 10GBit/s ports are available. To connect to one, bring two SFP+ (any manufacturer) and about 5 metres of fibre if available. Please configure your machines to shut down when the power button is pressed.

Accommodation, Food

  • Spending the night at our venue is forbidden. You can find nearby Hotels and a P2P accommodation exchange at Unterkunft.
    • Is there a gym to sleep in? No. Unfortunately, that has not worked out. Due to conditions imposed on us by the city of Karlsruhe, and difficulties of finding personnel over the long weekend, a place in the gym would be as expensive as the cheaper hotels/hostels.
  • Breakfast will be available on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Please add your contribution to the "honesty box", depending on how many rolls you have had.
  • Goulash: There will be goulash on at least one day. This year, we'll only be cooking vegan goulash.
  • Soft ice cream machines, pizza ovens, waffle automata, crêpes, popcorn, slush etc.: If you plan on hacking/playing with/distributing/giving away/selling food on GPN, please contact us well ahead of time.
  • Ordering food is certainly possible, see above for delivery address.
  • Food supply around GPN: here is a list


  • Participating is a very good idea. The event only works because guests help as Trolls. You can find out how to help in the Troll How-To. See also the Troll system to sign up to help.
  • Accessibility: The event is wholly held on the ground floor, where accessible lavatories are available. If you have any concern about the accessibility of our event, please contact us. We can then work to eliminate remaining barriers. For further information, see GPN:Barrierefreiheit.
  • Childcare/kids' space: Children are welcome on GPN and can simply join in the fun depending on their experience – admittedly this is more of a thing for older children. With the founding of the Schnuller(Pacifier)OperationCenter (SchnOpC, pronounced [ʃnɔps]) there is now a team dedicated to the needs of our youngest hackers and their companions. With that, we are on our way to provide the basic infrastructure to the youngest GPN visitors.
  • Animals: Due to experiences made on preceding GPNs, we ask that you please leave your dogs and other pets at home. Assistance animals are of course excepted.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the whole building around the clock. Having a smokers' corner right outside the door is like having a pee-ers' corner in a swimming pool.
  • Longboards: After several accidents on preceding GPNs and due to the high risk of injuries (especially to bystanders), riding longboards is prohibited in the whole building. The same applies to hoverboards, skateboards, shortboards, cars, trams, armchairs, sofas etc.

Public space

  • Public space: Contrary to most other CCC events, the GPN is open for the public to visit. For example, the connecting walkway between two museums passes right by the hackcenter, and museum visitors are encouraged to ask GPN participants what is going on.
  • Photography: There will be photos taken on GPN, by participants, guests, or personnel of HfG/ZKM. We are fine with long shots depicting the event as a whole, including time lapse videos for example. The same goes for photos of the things and projects presented at the event. However, close-ups and portraits of groups or single people are not welcome unless you ask for permission beforehand. Especially do not take photographs of people's screens.

Media and Social Networks

  • I need a text and pictures for my newspaper/blog/etc. What is the GPN? Basic information to the press is available here.
  • Hashtag Please use #gpn20
  • Twitter accounts
    • @zkmkarlsruhe Official account of the Centre for Art and Media (ZKM)
    • @hfg_ka Official account of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG)
    • @entropiagpn Official Accounts of Entrpoia e.V. / CCC Karlsruhe (Organisers)

In Case of Problems

  • Social problems: If conflicts with other people or topics of the event arise which you cannot solve yourself/yourselves: The CARE team (Chaos Awareness Response Entropians) is there to help you when you cannot cope on your own.
  • Technical, e.g. I'm cold/my internet's not working/the music's too loud. Please contact the organisers right away so we get a chance to remedy the problem during the event. In case of fires, broken pipes (water, not Unix), or damage to equipment, continue reading Emergencies.
  • Emergencies: Please immediately contact CERT and/or the organisers. The internal emergency number (112 from any DECT or other internal telephone) operates 24/4. Just keep ringing for a little while as the night watch on duty might need some time to wake up. First report emergencies (make the call yourself or ask somebody else), then take appropriate measures (render first aid, try to extinguish the fire). In any case, follow instructions given by organisers, security personnel and emergency services.

Info leaflet

There will be a leaflet with further information.

In case of further questions, you can contact us on IRC (#gpn im hackint) or Twitter (@entropiagpn).