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Hacker seeks what they lost

Note: lost sanity can not be returned.

Hacking Person seeks Hacking Person(s)

  • I have startet using Typst as an Alternative to LaTeX and would like to meet and share knowledge. ( and

Hacker seeks Education

  • I'm a TypeScript / fULL-stAcK wEb-DEVeLoPeR who wants to dip their toes into a little bit of Rust. Feel free to contact me at

Hacker seeks Data

Hacker seeks Documentation

  • foxgirl on how to maintain an Android ROM @Annaaurora
    • I'm also interested in maintaining ROMs, but don't know where to start @Jeinzi

Hacker seeks Hardware

  • Looking for MNT Reform, please send a message with details and price on Signal @athena.01
  • Looking for LGA 1151 Processors with 35W. Preferably 8th or 9th gen. Mastodon:
  • Looking for individual keyboard switches to add to my tester:

Hardware seeks Hacker

Hacker seeks software

Hacker seeks Merch

  • I'm looking for Merch from past Event's in fitted L or XL. I may have also some shirts to exchange...
    Please contact me (
  • I lost my Hacking in Parallel 2022 Zipper in M. It carried a lot of emotional value as HIP22 was my first "proper" chaos event. If you happen to have one lying around (L or so is also fine) please contact me (Fedi:, Matrix:

Merch seeks Hacker

  • I have several used but fine Event (Angel) Shirts mostly in unfitted XL or XXL, since I'm now prefer fitted shirts.
    Please contact me (

Hacker seeks food

Hacker seeks NGO

NGO seeks Hacker

Hacker seeks job

Looking for Qualification/Experience Contact Info
Entry level (junior) sysadmin / IT Support Years of hacking as a hobby, an unfinished uni education, abstract experience in customer support and PR

Hacker seeks Hacker

Hackers seek Hackers in their region

Hacker seeks Travel Companions

  • Wir wollen von Stuttgart mit dem Fahrrad zur GPN fahren (und am Ende wieder zurück). Mehr Infos gibt es In diesem Pad. Dort kann man sich auch eintragen, damit wir ein Gefühl dafür bekommen, wie viele Leute wir sein werden.

Hacker seeks Travel Tips

Hacker seeks Apartment

  • 18yo foxgirl looking for a flatshare in Karlsruhe near KIT @Annaaurora
  • 27yo nonbinary looking for a flatshare in Munich area @Maze

Human Dating

Girl seeks Girl

  • soft butch lesbian (trans) looking for cuddles (and maybe even more if the vibes are right):,

Creatures seeks Creature

  • an unsupervised flora looking for other (trans) creatures to get to know and depending on vibe do stuff with :3 contacts or Matrix

Hacker seeks Fun

Looking for a DJ set to play mx:

Free hugs

  • if you spot the mazie, you can get free hugs any time! Can also cuddle, just ask first! @Maze
  • feel free to ask @Memecian for hugs.

Free headpats