Seitenwerte für „GPN20:Come to the dark side, they have cookies - How dark patterns manipulate users to do things they don’t want to“

aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe

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_creationDateDatetime2022-05-26 8:05:18 PM
_modificationDateDatetime2022-05-26 8:05:18 PM
_fullTextSearchtext{{#css:GPN20:Stylesheet}} Ein Vortrag von dysphoricUnicorn auf der [[GPN20]]. This talk is a bit of a "reboot" of my [talk at 2021s Divoc]( It’s gonn ...
_categoriesListe von String, Begrenzer: |GPN20 GPN20:Events
_pageNameOrRedirectStringGPN20:Come to the dark side, they have cookies - How dark patterns manipulate users to do things they don’t want to
_pageNamePageGPN20:Come to the dark side, they have cookies - How dark patterns manipulate users to do things they don’t want to

GPN20:Come to the dark side, they have cookies - How dark patterns manipulate users to do things they don’t want to
