aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe

Als Alternative zur Web-IDE kann man auch einen externen Editor verwenden und den code per REST-API hochladen. Leider gibt es hier noch einen Bug mit einem CSRF token. Als Workaround kann hierfür folgendes (etwas frickeliges) Python-Script verwendet werden, was sich genauso wie der Browser verhält. Hierfür muss man sich zunächst mit einem Browser einloggen und die session und parent id in die **config**-Datei eintragen, die im gleichen Verzeichnis wie das Pythonscript liegen muss. Der eigentliche Quellcode, den man normalerweise in die Web-IDE eintippt, muss im gleichen Verzeichnis in der **bot.cpp** vorliegen. muss nur einmalig gestartet werden und läuft dann im Hintergrund. Immer dann wenn man die bot.cpp speichert, wird der aktuelle Stand automatisch hochgeladen.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Style

def upload():
    config = json.load(open('config'))

    get_url = ''
    cookies = {'sessionid': config['session_id']}

    r = requests.get(get_url, cookies=cookies)
    cookies['csrftoken'] = r.cookies['csrftoken']

    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
    xcsrf = soup.select_one('input[name="csrfmiddlewaretoken"]')['value']
    code = open('bot.cpp').read()

    post_url = ''
    form_data = {'action': 'run', 'code': code, 'comment': None, 'parent': config['snake_id']}
    r =, headers={'X-CSRFToken': xcsrf, 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}, json=form_data, cookies=cookies)


    print('waiting for compilation...')

    state = 'not_compiled'

    while state == 'not_compiled':
        r = requests.get('', cookies=cookies)
        j = json.loads(r.text)
        state = j['compile_state']

        for l in j['build_log']:
            fmt = f'{Fore.GREEN}' if not 'e' in l.keys() else f'{Fore.RED}'
            fmt_reset = f'{Style.RESET_ALL}'

            key = list(l.keys())[0]
            print('%s%s%s' % (fmt, l[key], fmt_reset), end='')

while True:
        os.system('inotifywait -e modify bot.cpp')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:


  "session_id": "xxx",
  "snake_id": 1234


// You can use the entire C/C++ standard library, just add the relevant
// #includes. We recommend math.h ;-)

#include "usercode.h"

 * This is your bot's startup function. Here you can set your snake's colors,
 * set up persistent variables, etc.
bool init(Api *api)
    // remove the default color

    // I'm green!
    api->addColor(40, 255, 0);
    api->addColor(20, 128, 0);
    api->addColor(10,  64, 0);
    api->addColor(20, 128, 0);

    // indicate successful startup. If anything goes wrong,
    // return false and we'll clean you up.
    return true;

 * This function will be called by the framework on every step. Here you decide
 * where to move next!
 * Use the provided Api object to interact with the world and make sure you set
 * the following outputs:
 * - api->angle: Set your relative movement angle
 * - api->boost: Set this to true to move faster, but you will loose mass.
 * The Api object also provides information about the world around you. See the
 * documentation for more details.
bool step(Api *api)
    // let's start by moving in a large circle. Please note that all angles are
    // represented in radians, where -π to +π is a full circle.
    api->angle = 0.001;

    // check for other snakes
    for(size_t i = 0; i < api->getSegmentCount(); i++) {
        const IpcSegmentInfo &seg = api->getSegments()[i];

        if(!seg.is_self && seg.dist < 20) {
            // you can send log messages to your browser or any other viewer with the
            // appropriate Viewer Key.
            api->log("Oh no, I'm going to die!");

    // finding food is quite similar

    // Signal that everything is ok. Return false here if anything goes wrong but
    // you want to shut down cleanly.
    return true;