
aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe


 * GPN15 Stylesheet

@font-face {

 font-family: "YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular";
 src: url("/gulasch/fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular.ttf");

} @font-face {

 font-family: "YanoneKaffeesatz-Thin";
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} @font-face {

 font-family: "YanoneKaffeesatz-Bold";
 src: url("/gulasch/fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz-Bold.ttf");

} @font-face {

 font-family: "YanoneKaffeesatz-Light";
 src: url("/gulasch/fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz-Light.ttf");

} /*

* === Decorations (Header, Logo, Sidebar, Footer, and everything in them) ===

div#p-logo.portlet a, div#p-logo.portlet a:hover {

 background-image: url("/gulasch/imgs/wikilogo.png") !important;
 display: block;
 height: 110px;
 width: 160px;

} div#column-one div a img {

 display: none;

} div#p-logo.portlet {

 background-image: url("/gulasch/imgs/topbar.png") !important;
 background-repeat: repeat-x;
 background-color: transparent;

} /* // Sidebar

  1. column-content
 background-color sidebarBgColor
  • /

.pBody {

 background-color: transparent;


  1. p-navigation a,
  2. p-portlet2 a,
  3. p-portlet3 a,
  4. p-search a,
  5. p-tb a,
  6. p-fnord a {
 color: #000;


  1. searchInput {
 color: #000;
 background-color: #bed7e6;
 outline: none;
 border: 1px solid #91bbd4;
 padding: 2px 2px;


  1. searchform input[name="go"],
  2. searchform input[name="fulltext"] {
 outline: 0;
 color: #000;
 background-color: #c4dbe9;
 border: 1px solid #91bbd4;

} div#footer, body, div#globalWrapper {

 background-color: #bed7e6;

} div#footer {

 border-top: none;
 border-bottom: none;


  1. footer li {
 color: #b8e3ef;
 margin: 0.2em !important;

} div#footer li a, div#footer li a:link, div#footer li a:active, div#footer li a:visited {

 color: #639fc3;

} div#footer li[id="viewcount"]:after {

 content: " ";
 display: block;


  1. column-one {
 background: #bed7e6;
 background-image: url("/gulasch/imgs/sidebar.png");
 background-position: 0px 0px;
 background-repeat: no-repeat;


  1. p-navigation ul li,
  2. p-portlet2 ul li,
  3. p-portlet3 ul li,
  4. p-search ul li,
  5. p-tb ul li,
  6. p-fnord ul li {
 border-bottom: 1px solid #639fc3;

} /*

* === Content box (and tabs) ===

li#ca-nstab-main, li#ca-nstab-main ~ li {

 background: none;


  1. p-cactions ul li a,
  2. p-cactions ul li a:link,
  3. p-cactions ul li a:active,
  4. p-cactions ul li a:visited,
  5. p-cactions ul li a:hover,

color black {

 background-color: #c4dbe9;
 border: 1px solid #91bbd4;


  1. p-cactions ul li a:hover {
 background-color: #cbdfeb;


  1. p-cactions ul li a:active {
 background-color: #d2e3ee;

} /*

* === Content box ===

.mw-body-primary {

 border: none !important;
 border-left: 1px solid #639fc3 !important;

} div#content /* background of everything below header, incl. sidebar */ {

 background-color: #bed7e6;

/* empty space between header/navbar/footer and content box */

 color: #000;

/* main text color */

 padding-right: 0;

/* content box meets right screen border */ } div#content h1#firstHeading {

 background-color: #e1ebf1;
 border-left: 1px solid #cbdfeb;
 border-top: 1px solid #cbdfeb;

/* Bottom joins div#bodyContent*/

 padding: 0.3em 0.3em 0;
 margin-bottom: 0;

} div#bodyContent {

 background-color: #e1ebf1;
 border-left: 1px solid #cbdfeb;

/* Top joins h1#firstHeading */

 margin-top: 0;

} /*

* Content

h1, h2 {

 font-family: YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular, sans-serif;

} h1#firstHeading {

 font-size: 22pt;
 font-family: YanoneKaffeesatz-Light, sans-serif;

} h2 {

 font-size: 18pt;

} /* Table of contents */

  1. toc,

.toc, .mw-warning {

 background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0);

} /* Code blocks */ div#mw-content-text pre {

 background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.25);
 overflow: auto;

/* "GPN15: Anfahrt": adress pre would overflow onto floating image. auto => offer scrollbar instead. */ } /* Thumbnails */ html .thumbimage {

 border: none;

} /* Linkbox am Artikelende */ div.NavHead, .catlinks {

 background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0);

} /* Bullet point lists */ div#content ul {

 list-style: none;

} div#content ul li {

 text-indent: -1em;

} div#content ul li:before /* hack to change color of bullet point */ {

 content: "\25fe  ";
 color: #1a6175;

} li.toclevel-1, li.toclevel-2, li.toclevel-3, li.toclevel-4, li.toclevel-5, li.toclevel-6, li /* revert these changes for the toc and category link box */ {

 text-indent: 0 !important;

} li.toclevel-1:before, li.toclevel-2:before, li.toclevel-3:before, li.toclevel-4:before, li.toclevel-5:before, li.toclevel-6:before, li:before /* revert these changes for the toc and category link box */ {

 content: none !important;

} /*

* Links

div#content a, div#content a:link, div#content a:active {

 text-decoration: underline;
 color: #207a92;

} div#content a:visited {

 text-decoration: underline;
 color: #175769;

} div#content a:new {

 text-decoration: underline;
 color: #cb4d4d;

} div#content a:hover {

 text-decoration: none;

} div#mw-content-text pre a, div#mw-content-text pre a:link, div#mw-content-text pre a:active, div#mw-content-text pre a:visited {

 color: #101010;

} div#content table.highlight {

 background-color: #f1f3f4;
 border: solid 1px #99b3ff;
 margin: 1em;
 margin-top: 2em;
 padding: 0.3em 1em;
 font-size: 150%;

} div#content td.highlight {

 padding-right: 1.5em;

} {

 text-decoration: underline !important;
 color: #e05252 !important;
