
aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe
< GPN23:SilentHacking
Version vom 11. Januar 2025, 16:00 Uhr von Weva (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Copied over from GPN21)
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Silent Hacking

The Silent Hacking area is a cozy place for hanging out, tinkering, socialising and taking a break. It's open for all creatures, that sometimes prefer less noise. It has been planned to better accommodate autistic creatures on this event

Find us by using the staircase or the elevator in the glass hall. We are inside MediaLounge, or directly next to Musikbalkon. Just look one level above the ZKM Café.


Is this a quiet/rest room?

This place is still intended for socialising, so people will chat and tinker and there will be noise. But it will be a lot quieter than main hall.

Can I have a quiet lunch here?

No, and you may only bring drinks, if they are non alcoholic and in a seal-able container

has this been made by c3auti?

Formally, this has been made by the CARE Team. However, just like the QuietQube on Congress, it has been primarily made with autistic people in mind. So please be mindful about that while you hack silently.

Is this where I find the "Auti-Sessions"?

No, please look in the Schedule to find their locations. Just like this rooms, they are open for everyone, but mainly targeted at neurodivergent people.

But this is the place for board games?

Yes, there are some social events in this area, you can find [GPN23:SelfOrganizedSessions more information on self organized sessions in the wiki].

Extra Rules for Silent Hacking

House Rules

This area is part of the library. Please be extra-excellent:

  • This is not a place to eat, we really can't have stains in the upholstery.
  • you may drink **non alcoholic** drinks from **seal-able containers**.
  • please be mindful of students, that may want to use the area too.

Social Rules

 Autistic people are more likely to get into conflicts in a neuronormative society. We'd like this to happen less, so please be mindful.:

this is a place for:

  • stimming, flapping, rocking, and being yourself. In case that means you are loud, please be mindful.
  • being overwhelmed or nonverbal. We provide communication-aids, if that helps.
  • ask the quiet trolls for support or assistance
  • joining a conversations and cautiously encourage others to share their insights

You should:

  • be considerate.
    • when being loud
    • when a topic is too much for someone
    • when others take their time to respond or process
  • expect, that things will more likely be taken literate. And know, that not everything was intended to be as harsh, as it may have seemed to you.
  • know, that conflicts may happen even when all creatures try to be excellent to eachother

You may not:

  • touch others without consent
  • confuse a diagnose with a permit for being bigoted.
  • dump your insights and opinions on people that did not show interest (and may know better themselves).
  • push "support" on people, that did not ask for it.
  • expect everyone wants to socialize.