
aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe
Version vom 6. Juni 2023, 17:55 Uhr von Betalars (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Brettspiele für silent hacking angelegt)
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Self Organized Sessions Howto

You want to do a self organized session? Some more or less spontaneous meetup? You can enter it here, sorted by location.

Please pick a free slot yourself, and use the following template:

=== 14:00 Beispielmeetup ===

Name/Contact: Eve Entropia, DECT 1234

Description: Example Meetup

Content Notes: May contain gulasch

Do not add new locations without speaking with the content-Team before!

Example Location

Location Info

This Location does not actually exist and is and is an example

Day 1 (08.06.)

14:00 Beispielmeetup

Name/Contact: Eve Entropia, DECT 1234

Description: Example Meetup

Content Notes: May contain gulasch

Day 2 (09.06.)

Day 3 (10.06.)

Day 4 (11.06.)

Wiese (Outside)

Location Info

Outdoor Area. This may fit indefinite hackers simultaenously.

Day 1 (08.06.)

Day 2 (09.06.)

Day 3 (10.06.)

Day 4 (11.06.)

Hackcenter (Indoor)

Location Info

Hackcenter Area inside HFG. No space reserved for Sessions, you need to find something yourself.

Day 1 (08.06.)

Day 2 (09.06.)

Day 3 (10.06.)

Day 4 (11.06.)

Silent Hackling

Location Info

Area for cozy hacking and quiet socializing. Please check back with betalars (dect: BETA) or the CARE-team before adding a self organized Session in this area.

Day 1 (08.06.)

20:00 Brettspiele / Board games

Name: betalars, DECT BETA

Description: If you feel a bit lost on the conference, come play with us. Feel free to bring your games and non-alcoholic drinks in closed containers. More Info on Silent Hacking.

Content Notes: Depends on the game you will play. Feel free to ask the Quiet Troll. If you bring your own game, you can help by checking on this Content Note-list by c3IOC.

Day 2 (09.06.)

Day 3 (10.06.)

Day 4 (11.06.)