GPN19:Fahrplan/Self-organized Events

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Self-organized Events

Fast immer

  • CCC-Membershipdesk, das CCC-Office on tour - Freitag, 14 Uhr bis 17 Uhr, Samstag, 14 Uhr bis 20 Uhr, Location ZKM Foyer, links neben dem Eingang zur Open Codes


  • Polyamorie & Beziehungsanarchie Picknick (30.05. - 17:00, Wiese; Für Interessierte und Praktizierende; bringt Picknickdecken mit!) - Benutzerin:Wieueberall


  • DIY Airpots for Growing Plants (ein topf gegen Spende 3-4 euro) like I still need scissors and Kabelbinders and maybe drills (31.5 17:30-18:30 @ Acker_Space)
  • Prototype Fund Meetup und AMA [31.5., 17:30 - 18:30] am Teezelt
  • Polynetzwerk vertiefen: Polyamorie & Beziehungsanarchie Picknick II (Freitag, 31.05., 17-18:30Uhr) auf der Wiese wie gestern. Keine moderierte Diskussion, nettes Zusammensitzen, neue Menschen kennenlernen, Austausch wie es passt. Interessierte polyunerfahrene Menschen willkommen, Fragen einfach in die Runde werfen!


  • C++ / Snake Programming Workshop at 11 AM - 12 AM. Location will be here in the wiki. There will be 2 parts. In the first part we will talk about the C++ specifics that are useful for writing a snake game bot. In the second part we can discuss some snake bot strategies or algorithms. Your participation, questions is the basis for this workshop
  • Zur Information: In der Stadt ist Christopher Street Day
  • Memorizing Pi for fun (not for profit) using a simple non-technique (short 10-minute workshop). Everyone is welcome, no prerequisites required! Date: Saturday 17:30, Location: at the white central octagon near the bar Benutzer:Iblech
  • Fun with infinitely large numbers (talk, 30 to 45 minutes depending on interest). (See abstract of the 35c3 instance of this talk.) Everyone is welcome, no prerequisites required! Date: Saturday 21:00, Location: at the crazy artwork in front of the ZKM. Language of the talk: English or German as wished. Contents: After an introduction to the wondrous world of infinitely large numbers (after the talk, you'll be able to compute with them and explain them to your friends), we can, as wished, consider either epistemological issues regarding the realm of the infinite, or reasons for studying infinitely large numbers, or play fun transfinite games. Bring your kids (age 13 or older)! Benutzer:Iblech
  • Ponytime Sat 20:15 Blauer Salon
  • #TechiesForFuture: Wir möchten um 23 Uhr ein Orgatreffen "TechiesForFuture" im Blauen Salon (hinter dem VOC) veranstalten. Was können Admins und ITler*innen im Allgemeinen - analog zur #FridaysForFuture-Bewegung - tun, um die Politik dazu zu bringen, sich zu bewegen.
  • Hier ist Platz für dein Event!


  • * Foundation talk: Hands on, how does the Internet work? (See abstract of the 35c3 instance of this talk.) Everyone is welcome, no prerequisites required! If you've used Wireshark in the past, you'll be bored to hell. If you have not, and/or if you do not really know what an IP address is, then this workshop is for you! Date: Sunday 11:45, Location: most likely HfG_Studio, but this is to be confirmed. Benutzer:Iblech

Zeit noch unklar

  • Hier ist Platz für dein Event!