int anzahl_autos = 50; Car[] autos = new Car[anzahl_autos];
void setup(){ size(300,400); for(int i = 0; i < anzahl_autos; i++) { autos[i] = new Car(color(0,1,1),random(100),random(height),random(1,5)); } }
void draw() { background(128); for(int i = 0; i < anzahl_autos; i++) { autos[i].move(); autos[i].display(); } }
--- TEIL2 ---
class Car { color c; float xpos; float ypos; float xspeed;
// The Constructor is defined with arguments. Car(color tempC, float tempXpos, float tempYpos, float tempXspeed) { c = tempC; xpos = tempXpos; ypos = tempYpos; xspeed = tempXspeed; }
void display() { stroke(0); fill(c); rectMode(CENTER); rect(xpos,ypos,20,10); }
void move() { xpos = xpos + xspeed; if (xpos > width) { xpos = 0; } } }