Seitenwerte für „GPN19:Securing your Router with RPKI“
aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe
Werte von „_pageData“
1 Zeile ist für diese Seite gespeichertField | Feldtyp | Value |
_creationDate | Datetime | 2019-05-30 11:13:10 AM |
_modificationDate | Datetime | 2019-05-30 11:13:10 AM |
_creator | String | Fahrplanbot |
_fullText | Searchtext | Ein Vortrag von pcdog auf der [[GPN19]]. I will talk about the basics of RPKI; the history and where it came from. I will show briefly how I have started implementing it and what my rollout plan will be, and how it looks like if you start validating and midterm, drop invalid routes (right now, it ... |
_categories | Liste von String, Begrenzer: | | |
_numRevisions | Integer | 1 |
_isRedirect | Boolean | Nein |
_pageNameOrRedirect | String | GPN19:Securing your Router with RPKI |
_pageIDOrRedirect | Integer | 11,884 |
_lastEditor | String | Fahrplanbot |
_pageID | Integer | 11,884 |
_pageName | Page | GPN19:Securing your Router with RPKI |
_pageTitle | String | GPN19:Securing your Router with RPKI |
_pageNamespace | Integer | 0 |