Seitenwerte für „GPN18:Practical Cryptography Patterns“
aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe
Werte von „_pageData“
1 Zeile ist für diese Seite gespeichertField | Feldtyp | Value |
_creationDate | Datetime | 2018-05-05 1:38:11 PM |
_modificationDate | Datetime | 2018-05-12 12:31:57 PM |
_creator | String | Fahrplanbot |
_fullText | Searchtext | Ein Vortrag von Jens Neuhalfen auf der [[GPN18]]. Unprotected data will put not only your customers at risk. Jens' talk will give you actionable advice on how - and why - cryptography can help you and your managers to get better sleep. His talk will illustrate legal and regulatory requirements, and ... |
_categories | Liste von String, Begrenzer: | | GPN18 • GPN18:Vorträge |
_numRevisions | Integer | 3 |
_isRedirect | Boolean | Nein |
_pageNameOrRedirect | String | GPN18:Practical Cryptography Patterns |
_pageIDOrRedirect | Integer | 11,335 |
_lastEditor | String | Fahrplanbot |
_pageID | Integer | 11,335 |
_pageName | Page | GPN18:Practical Cryptography Patterns |
_pageTitle | String | GPN18:Practical Cryptography Patterns |
_pageNamespace | Integer | 0 |