// Control synth, writes to a control bus ( SynthDef(\freq, { |out=0,freq=10,lfreq=100,ufreq=500| Out.kr(out, LFNoise0.kr(freq).exprange(lfreq,ufreq)) }).add; ) // Audio synth, writes to an audio bus ( SynthDef(\foobar, { |out=0,amp=0.1,gate=1,freq=440| var snd, env; snd = SinOsc.ar(In.kr(0) * [1,1.01]); env = EnvGen.ar(Env.asr(0.01,1),gate,doneAction:2); Out.ar(out, snd * env * amp); }).add; ) // Connector synth, reads from a bus and writes to bus 0 ( SynthDef(\playout, { |in=10| Out.ar(0, In.ar(in)) }).add; ) // start control synth and bind to variable z = Synth(\freq) // set arguments from variable z.set(\ufreq, 1000); z.set(\dfreq, 500); z.set(\freq, 1); // free the synth z.free // start audio synth and write to bus 10 x = Synth(\foobar, [\out, 10]); // start 'connector' Synth to read from bus 10 and write to bus 0 y = Synth(\playout, [\in, 10], addAction: \addToTail) // sc-tweet: play{Splay.ar(SinOsc.ar(9,SinOsc.ar(midicps((Sweep.ar(0,(33..3))%128&(Sweep.ar(0,(3..9))%(LFSaw.ar(3)*9+99)))+33),0,pi)))/3}//#SuperCollider // Halp Server.help // Check sclang OSC traffic f = { |msg, time, replyAddr, recvPort| ("client: " ++ [time, msg]).postln }; thisProcess.addOSCRecvFunc(f) thisProcess.removeOSCRecvFunc(f) // check scsynth OSC traffic s.dumpOSC(0) s.dumpOSC(1) // plot nodes/groups in server s.plotTree