GPN19:Fahrplan/Self-organized Events

aus dem Wiki des Entropia e.V., CCC Karlsruhe
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Self-organized Events

  • CCC-Membershipdesk, das CCC-Office on tour - Samstag, 14 Uhr bis 20 Uhr, Location noch unbekannt
  • Polyamorie & Beziehungsanarchie Picknick (30.05. - 17:00, Wiese; Für Interessierte und Praktizierende; bringt Picknickdecken mit!) - Benutzerin:Wieueberall
  • DIY airpots like similar to this (31.5 16:30-17:30)
  • Prototype Fund Meetup und AMA [31.5., 17:30 - 18:30] an der Treppe in der Musik-Lounge
  • Generation Unterstrich_ with their Cyber Meta Media Show - stay tuned
  • Foundation talk: Hands on, how does the Internet work? (See abstract of the 35c3 instance of this talk.) Everyone is welcome, no prerequisites required! Date and location to be decided.
  • Memorizing Pi for fun (not for profit) using a simple non-technique. Everyone is welcome, no prerequisites required! Date and location to be decided.
  • Fun with infinitely large numbers. (See abstract of the 35c3 instance of this talk.) Everyone is welcome, no prerequisites required! Date and location to be decided.
  • Hier ist Platz für dein Event!